Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the Eurailpress Archive?
- How can I gain access?
- I am a subscriber – how can I log in?
- What search options do I have?
- Can I use operators?
- How can I perform phrase searches (multiword terms)?
- How is the hit list organized?
- How can I find complete articles?
- I have further questions. Where can I get support?
1. What is the Eurailpress Archive?
This page offers access to a full-text database with trade and author articles from trade journals of DVV Media Group via a common search interface. The topics are rail transport by Eurailpress and public transport by Bus & Bahn. Our goal is to make specialist knowledge visable in an accurate manner and present it device independent. All articles are available in the original page layout in PDF file format. A PDF reader is required for viewing, e.g. Adobe Acrobat.
The following titles can be searched:
- RailBusiness from 2008 onwards
- ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau from 2000 onwards
- EI - DER EISENBAHNINGENIEUR from 2000 onwards
- SIGNAL+DRAHT from 2000 onwards
- EIK - Eisenbahn Ingenieur Kompendium from 2000 onwards
- DER NAHVERKEHR from 2004 onwards
- bahn manager from 2016 onwards
- Güterbahnen 2009 - 2016 (discontinued)
2. How can I gain access?
The site is available to everyone. You can perform searches and browse the hit list for a short description of the articles. If you have a journal subscriction or one of our archive's packages you can download the complete text of the articles (in the original layout of the magazine article):
- RBS - RailBusiness (RailBusiness subscription)
- ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau (ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau subscription)
- EI - DER EISENBAHNINGENIEUR (EIK - Eisenbahn Ingenieur Kompendium included) (Der Eisenbahningenieur subscription)
- SIGNALLING + DATACOMMUNICATION (Signal + Draht subscription)
- bahn manager (bahn manager)
- Güterbahnen (Title is discontinued, issues are available in the complete archive's package )
3. I am a subscriber – how can I log in?
As a subscriber you can use your subscription number in order to log in. You will find the subscripton number in your invoice as our order number.
Please note: If your subscription number begins with the number “zero”, please omit the “zero” when entering your login. In case of login problems, please contact leserservice@dvvmedia.com.
4. What search options do I have?
The database search can be used like any other search engine ( e.g. Google, Bing, MetaGer). Just enter one or more search terms. Two or more terms are automatically linked with AND. In order to start your search hit enter on your keyboard or click the red search button. If you want to delete your previous search terms or parameters just click on the home button in the upper left corner of the website.
Author search function
If you click on the small triangle at the right end of the search field, the author search field will open up. All inputs browse only the author database. All hits which refer to the publications of a respective author will be shown. Please note that it is also possible to type your search for a particular author into the main search field. The result will show all hits in which the author's name is mentioned.
How to limit your search to one publication
You can find the field „publications“ below the search field. Per default all publications are considered. If you click on the small black triangle, a menu opens where you can select publications according to your needs.
How to narrow the timeline or the search period
You can find a drop down menu below the search field where you can set up a timeline by entering “from” and “to”. You can determine a specific timeframe for your search by selecting month and year.
Search for a specific issue
To display the contents of a specific issue select the desired title in the publication field, the issue number you are looking for in the output field and then the year of publication
5. Can I use operators?
It is possible to enter (Boolean) operators. The following entries will be processed: AND, OR, NOT. Utilisation examples for queries with operators:
- Communication AND Data
- ERTMS OR "Rail Traffic Management"
- track construction NOT "rail crossing"
6. How can I perform phrase searches (multiword terms)?
It is possible to search for phrases or multiword terms by using quotation marks. Phrases and multiword terms are expressions consisting of more than one word. Entry examples are:
- "Big Data"
- "Railway 4.0"
- "Internet of Things"
Please note: If you perform phrase queries in the above described manner you will get just results with exactly the same spelling and the same search term sequence.
7. How is the hit list organized?
As standard, the search engine arranges the answers in the hit list according to relevance. If you press the button “date” above the first hit, the sorting will be arranged chronologically, and you can choose between ascending order or descending order.
8. How can I find complete articles?
For each result an individual data record with a short description text will be displayed. For each article the respective metadata is embedded in the description text. After having entered the login data, you can press the button to launch the full text download of the article.
9. I have further questions. Where can I get support?
Please do not hesitate to contact our customer service: kundenservice@dvvmedia.com for any questions regarding the login. If you have any questions concerning our archive products, or if you would like to suggest improvements or provide feedback you are very welcome to contact archiv@dvvmedia.com.