SIGNAL+DRAHT | Ausgabe 07-08/2023

ETCS L2 RBC adaptation with ProSigma-B to Integra Domino Relay Interlocking

August 2023 | Balázs Keresztesi, Ádám Mester, Ágoston Salacz, Bence Soltész

The ProSigma B platform was introduced to the market as a subsystem of the hybrid version of Prolan’s PRORIS signalling system. The general features of ProSigma B and its role within the PRORIS-H signalling system were published in [1]. In our current article we would like to present our solution for coupling European Train Control System Level 2 (ETCS L2) with Integra Domino Relay Interlocking, which was developed by Prolan and GTS Ground Transportation Systems Austria (formerly Thales Austria)...