SIGNAL+DRAHT | Issue 09/2013

QoS on GSM-R networks for ETCS Level 2 operation

September 2013 | Christian Sagmeister, Markus Myslivec

Undisturbed and safe operation of ETCS level 2 relies on data services which are provided by a GSM?R system. In order to enable and to guarantee such an undisturbed and safe operation, the GSM-R system, comprised of GSM?R devices on the mobile side, ISDN terminals on the fixed side and the GSM?R network itself, has to provide a certain QoS (Quality of Service) for these data services. This article describes the requirements, challenges and solutions for the verification and certification of this QoS for a GSM?R network on which ETCS level 2 is in live-operation since the end of 2012.