SIGNAL+DRAHT | Issue 04/2014

SATLOC – GNSS based train protection for low traffic lines

April 2014 | Burkhard Stadlmann, Franz Kaiser, George Barbu, Gerhard Hanis

The SATLOC project, an EFP7 funded research project supported by the GSA (European GNSS Agency), aims to meet the rising demand for a costefficient train control system for low traffic density lines. The system utilises GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) based train localization, cabsignalling, as well as data radio communication inspired by ETCS level 3. The long-term goal of SATLOC is to promote the usage of GNSS as safe method for train navigation in the railway domain with a focus on low traffic lines. Due to the characteristics of those lines the project facilitates the use of commercial mobile carriers and packet-oriented communication instead of GSM-R. However in order to keep the system architecture open and flexible, the necessary ETCSmodes and Euroradio telegrams remain predominantly untouched.