SIGNAL+DRAHT | Issue 07-08/2023

ETCS on the Wendlingen–Ulm high-speed line

August 2023 | Peter Barth, Maryam Eftekhari Hassan, El-Hajj-Sleiman, Michael T. Hoffmann Michael Kümmling, Martin Retzmann, Florian Rohr

With the timetable change on 11 December 2022, an ETCS Level 2 only line (without Class B) according to Baseline 3 went into operation for the first time in Germany. Other innovations include a largely generic approach, the first vehicle approval by means of ESC types, an early detection procedure for vehicles with faulty ETCS and a particularly robust radio coverage. While the interim results after almost six months of commercial ETCS operation are very positive overall, there are still a number of areas where improvements need to be made on the basis of experience to date...

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