SIGNAL+DRAHT | Ausgabe 03/2014
Achieving ultimate RAM performance
This article outlines the principles and the background for the RAM requirements of the multiple projects within the Danish (re-)Signalling Programme, the RAM discipline covering Reliability, Availability and Maintainability. In addition to increased capacity, improved operational efficiency and a homogeneous safety level the programme is to provide a high availability and much improved punctuality throughout the whole Danish rail network. This is scoped onto the RAM engineering discipline as a major contributor, and transformed into RAM targets for individual systems. An integral aspect of this is a generic set of failure severity levels, to reflect that some incidents will be much more critical than others in a highly centralised system. The RAM targets then specify the minimum performance required from the applicable system separately for each severity level. This allows for tighter requirements on the more severe failures, while relaxing the levels at the lower end, e. g. to allow for more equipment to provide the needed redundancy. The RAM targets form part of the contracting of each individual system and its maintenance, and thus serve to assure that it will deliver the envisaged contribution to the overall availability and punctuality improvement of the rebuilt railway. Actually the RAM targets have been defined in terms that later can be used directly as KPIs on the operational system – and will be a key to monitor and manage the performance for the subsequent many years of commercial operation to come. The Danish Signalling Programme was described in detail in the Signal + Draht June 2013 edition.