SIGNAL+DRAHT | Ausgabe 07-08/2019

Shift2Rail: X2Rail-1 Final Event in Potsdam

August 2019 | Redaktion

On July 12, 2019, around 70 experts from the European rail industry met at the Deutsche Bahn Academy in Potsdam for the final event of the Shift2Rail project X2Rail-1. The results of the three-year research and development work were presented at a conference and the achievements have been assessed very positively. Overall, Shift2Rail pursues the following goals: 100% increase of the capacity, 50% increase of the reliability and punctuality and 50% reduction of the costs of the railway system. The X2Rail-1 project is part of the Shift2Rail Innovation Program 2 (IP2), which aims to innovate in the field of control, command, signaling and communication systems....