The ICE 2 High-Speed Train as Refelcted in a Life Cycle Cost Analysis

Oktober 2002 | Peter Strauß

As a result of the globalized competitiveness of the open transportation market, transportation comapnies increasingly award contracts for future vehicle systems not solely on the basis of intended technological innovation. Instead, requirements are being formulated which align company policy with the cost, reliability and availability of a transportation system in its operating phase. This ensures that railroad companies can maintain their system advantages over other means of transportation. These requirements can be defined using Life Cycle Engineering, incorporating the systematic application of RAMS and LCC methodology. The quantative aspects, in particular, aplies experience gained in the operation of existing railroad vehicles to make new vehicle systems more reliable and more economical. This is why the Deutsche Bahn has undertaken a detailed examination of the ICE 2 high-speed train using LCC analysis. This article is meant to give insight into this examination.