SIGNAL+DRAHT | Ausgabe 06/2024

ERTMS Trackside Approval at DB InfraGO AG – a report from three years’ experience

Juni 2024 | Markus Hauner, Tim Bohlender

Trackside Approval (TA) for any upcoming award procedures pertaining to trackside ETCS and/or GSM-R equipment in Germany [1] has had to be initiated in advance with the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) since 16 June 2020. The TAs process with the ERA are complex and DB InfraGO AG (formerly DB Netz AG until 31 December 2023) therefore established its ERTMS office in 2020 as the central point of contact for implementing TA with the ERA. As such, the ERTMS office provides targeted support for such projects...

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