ETR – Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau | Ausgabe International/2015

Condition-based inspection and maintenance in switches and crossings

März 2015 | Marco Schmid, Hans-Peter Müller

From the precise geometry of the switch tip to the 3D crossing: laser technology and simulated wheel/ rail contact assure safety against derailment in switches and crossings. Replacing switches and crossings is an expensive job and should thus only be undertaken once they have reached the end of their useful service life. At the same time, safety against derailment must always be assured. One way of achieving this is to simulate several worst-case scenarios of wheel/ rail contact in switches and crossings. These then provide decision makers with meaningful measurements, indicating the precise condition in the zones of the switch blades, closure rails and crossings. That puts them in a position to plan targeted maintenance in good time. Thanks to this new transparency, switches and crossings can remain in service until they reach the maximum extent of wear, without impairing ride comfort and continuing to afford maximum safety for passengers.